The Use Of Technology in Travel and Tourism

Technology has revolutionised the way we live our lives, and the travel and tourism industry is no exception. The use of technology in travel and tourism businesses is becoming more and more common, and tech which is useful to the travel and tourism industry – like our API – is marching ahead at a fast pace. As a result, many ‘traditional’ travel and tourism practices are quickly becoming obsolete as newer, more effective tech tools are introduced.

It is crucial for the travel industry to adapt to changing times, and harness the potential of technology as much as possible. as it will help travel companies to enhance their services and stay competitive. This blog serves as a starting point for discussion on the topic by looking at the ways in which technology is (or can be) used by travel-focused businesses, and the benefits that it brings.

The Use of Technology in Travel and Tourism

Practical Applications of Technology in Travel and Tourism

The use of technology in travel and tourism has impacted our industry in many ways already – both travel businesses and holidaymakers will be familiar with a number of the potential uses that we’ll talk about under the subheadings below, while others represent new and emerging use-cases that still provide a benefit either to the traveller or to the businesses who are providing them with a service or product as part of their holiday.

Online Booking Platforms

One of the more common applications of technology in travel and tourism is online booking platforms. These are everywhere these days, and can be used for seemingly every step on a tourist’s journey – from booking their Uber to the airport, to their flights, to their hotel room at their destination.

Automated Check-In & Check Out

Whether it’s transportation like a flight or a cruise, or accommodation at their destination of choice – holidaymakers will need to check in somewhere either during their journey or once they arrive. Automated check-in and check out lets them do this in a hassle free way, possibly even using their own mobile device so they can check in wherever they happen to be, rather than concentrating around a specific desk or device.

Smart Hotel Rooms

Smart hotel rooms – equipped with voice-activated assistants and connected to in-room devices such as lighting and temperature controls – have also become more and more prevalent of late. They offer greater convenience to guests by not depriving them of an assistant that they might be used to, and all of the functions and conveniences that they can deliver.

Use of Robotics at Transport Hubs & Hotels

Another area of innovation is the use of Robotics in the travel industry. Robots are finding use in tasks such as baggage handling, cleaning, and concierge services, improving efficiency and allowing for better customer experience.

Luggage Tracking

Nobody likes losing their luggage when they go on a flight, and nobody likes the uncertainty of not knowing where your bags are or if they’re going to turn up at your destination. Technology can help though, as passengers can now place a small tracking device in their bag and follow it via their phone, so they always know where their bag is.

AI-powered Translation & Interpreting Services

Whether delivered through text or speech, AI-powered machine translation and interpreting tools can definitely make life easier for a tourist that doesn’t speak the local language, and make their trip more enjoyable as a result.

Navigation & Route Finding

Going on holiday often means going somewhere you’re unfamiliar with. Modern technology like GoogleMaps can help you out with this of course, but it’s also possible for tourism-focused route finding and navigation tools to go a step beyond simply helping someone find their way, and help to enrich their travel experience.

Personalised Travel Itineraries

As an example of this ability to go above and beyond mere route-finding, today the use of technology to personalise travel experiences has become increasingly popular in recent years, with travellers being sent customised travel itineraries based on their interests, preferences, and previous travel experiences. This helps them craft a holiday that’s both practical and suited to their tastes.


Virtual and Augmented Reality has also become an essential tool in the tourism industry, allowing travellers to immerse themselves in destinations before they even get there, whether it be exploring a hotel room or strolling along a beach.

The Use of Technology in Travel and Tourism

The Advantages of Using Technology in Travel and Tourism

For Holidaymakers
Simplified Travel Process

When it comes to simplifying travel processes, technology has been a game changer. Online booking platforms have made it easier to book flights, hotels, and other travel-related services in just a few clicks. Automated check-ins save travellers time and hassle at the airport. This automation provides a high level of convenience for travellers, making their stay as comfortable as possible.

Peace of mind

We’ve seen in the previous section how the use of technology in travel and tourism can help to ensure that passengers never lose their baggage again. Well, today’s travellers also have the ability to make secure payments using blockchain technology, avoiding the hassle of currency exchange and finding a good deal altogether.

Greater Accessibility

As mentioned above, AI-powered translation and interpreting technology help travellers to communicate with locals, while navigation and route guidance solutions make finding their way around a city or country they’re not familiar with easier too. Both of these can offer substantial piece of mind as well as greater accessibility for all tourists looking to explore a new destination, while VR and AR experiences may allow those with disabilities to explore venues and landmarks that they can’t physically access – helping to ensure that they don’t miss out.

For Businesses
Simplified Travel Process

It’s not just holidaymakers that benefit from simplified travel processes – travel businesses can too. The fewer steps there are in the processes that enable you to deliver your service, product or experience, the less that can go wrong, and the easier it is to explain to a client what is happening and why in the event that something does go wrong.

Faster, More Efficient Operations

Likewise, the simpler you can make your processes, the less time they will take to complete – and the less time they take to complete the more they can be done on a given day, with the added upside of less wait time too.

Automation & Eliminating Human Error

The use of technology in travel and tourism also opens the door to the automation of certain steps in a given business process, or even the whole process itself. This has two clear benefits for you as a travel business – firstly, automation frees up your people to work on other tasks that cannot be automated, and secondly, automation eliminates human error.

Greater Audience Reach & Revenue

A travel-focused business that can make effective use of technology will be able to provide a better end product or service to their customers. As a result of this superior product or service they can also expect greater audience reach and greater revenue, as word spreads of that quality product and more people turn to them to provide it.

How the Travel Trade Ready API can Help

Finally, for more information on how our API can be of benefit to DMO’s, suppliers, or buyers, please click the corresponding link.

The Use of Technology in Travel and Tourism

How Using Technology in Travel and Tourism Sustains Green Travel

As the travel industry grows, so does its impact on the environment. However, technology can help minimise this impact. Reduced carbon footprints, eco-friendly accommodations, and smart sustainability solutions are among the key ways of achieving environmental responsibility in tourism, and technology can help with them all by facilitating the use of things like eco-friendly transport methods, power generation, and waste management solutions.

The Use of Technology in Travel and Tourism

Challenges Faced When Using Technology in Travel and Tourism

While the use of technology in travel and tourism has paved the way for a more convenient and efficient travel experience, challenges have also risen. One of the main concerns is privacy and data security. With a vast amount of personal information being shared online, there is a risk of cyber attacks and other threats exposing sensitive data and opening the door to things such as identity theft.

Another challenge is overcoming the possibility of over dependence on technology in travel and tourism businesses, and losing the personal touch of traditional customer service that can be so important, especially in these types of businesses. Lastly, the cost of implementing new technology may seem like a significant factor, as it may be a large investment upfront. However, the ends certainly justify the means in this case – the financial investment in technology is something that is more likely to earn a travel business more money than was spent on the tech, so issues such as these should not prevent the travel industry from embracing technology.

The Use of Technology in Travel and Tourism


In short, technology has revolutionised travel, simplified the booking process, and created more sustainable options. It enhances customer experiences and increases business opportunities. Travel trade players must embrace technology and cost-effective solutions if they wish to see success in the future, and Travel Trade Ready can help them do that.

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